From: Street Art / Murals / Specific to: Graffiti Artist / Placemaking
Urban Activation as Part of Penrith ReAnimate
This was a mural/street art project I completed for Penrith City Council alongside The Waste Service team. They wanted to engage with a Graffiti Artist style mural painter.
The following photos are taken showing the final street art mural in Penrith.

Street Art Requirements
The above street art had to include bin characters from the current Waste Services marketing campaign. The artwork was opened to have influence from graffiti and urban style as well as a quirky street art vibe too.
The campaign comprises three Characters called “The Binz”. The campaign objective is to promote correct waste sorting practices. The topic is incredibly important in terms of best environmental practices and the importance of what we do at home and the effect it directly has on the health of our environment.
The aim is through the medium of street art is to communicate this message in a fun and engaging way.
The tag line for the campaign is “Never Waste A Chance (NWAC)” would be great to see a reference in the artwork to NWAC, not as a core element but a subtle reference.
We would really like you to use these points as a reference and inspiration, however, still ensuring artistic and creative style is represented.

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