From: Street Art / Murals / Specific to: Placemaking / School Murals / Sydney Murals
Sydney School Murals at Chester Hill Public School
This was a major mural makeover of the school area for the kindergarten students and teachers at the school with over 12 murals painted.
The mural’s aim was to rejuvenate the area and make for a more positive learning environment at the school. The school murals were painted in and around the kindergarten area at Chester Hill Public School.
The murals painted around the classrooms were softer in colour range and focused on a garden theme along with some additional murals that focused on learning within the mural artwork.
The idea with the garden theme was to also soften the brick and bitumen surrounding materials and help to engage the imagination with a natural environment. While also trying to be a quieter area as students enter the classroom for lesson time.
As the kindergarten students started to move away from the classroom area the mural artwork started to become more colorful and playful in nature while still sharing a similar theme of nature and the imagination.
The bright mural walls faced onto a play area and an outer larger playing space. The murals were also where patined onto the bathroom amenities.
The area outside the bathrooms before the murals had been painted was dominated by dark grey bitumen and red brick walls. So the murals brought a refreshing visual look and feel to the school space.
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