School Murals
I’m a school mural artist who travels all around Australia painting murals at schools and running mural workshops for students.
My school mural paintings focus on creating a positive learning environment for the students and staff.
By Painting colourful and playful murals that can be costumed and designed for your school or you might like to pick one of my mural themes ready to go and I can modify it to fit your walls, some school mural examples are below.

Public & Private School Murals
I have painted murals for both public and private schools. Schools covered are from prep school to primary, secondary and tertiary schools/universities.
School murals can be created around positive messaging, school values or a combination of characters and landscapes based on imagination and creativity.
I can also run mural workshops for schools.
Painted School Murals
Here is a list of some schools where I have painted murals:
Wenona School Sydney
Painted a mural along with a mural workshop. There were about 100 students who participated in the mural workshop. I had to break the students into 30 students per group. The wall that we used in the mural workshop was around 15 metres in length.
Chester Hill Primary School
In total, there was a series of 6 walls that got painted and contributed towards a better experience for students who use the area for playing, going to the canteen and using the bathrooms. Teachers and staff also found the street art uplifting and helped change the space.

If you like you can view my mural paintings in the showcase section on this website too.
If you are looking for a school mural artist then happy for you to get in touch if you would like to talk through how the school mural process works.

Mural Artist Schools
So if you want a mural painted at your school or combined with a mural workshop, please call me on 0431 104 026 or send me a message on my contact form.
Also, read Benefits of Murals in Schools.