CALL: 0431 104 026

Pavement Artist

pavement mural

From: Murals & Illustrations / Specific to: /

Pavement Mural Artist

As a pavement artist also sometimes called a pavement mural artist I have completed many murals for communities and councils around Australia.

I will add some more details about each project soon. In the meantime here are some photos of, my pavement murals. You can also view my other street artwork from my portfolio.

start pavement mural
Pavement mural in Melbourne
skate park street art
Footpath mural at a skate park in Sydney
Pavement art
Pavement art in Melbourne alleyway
skatepark mural cobargo
Ground mural at a community skatepark event
placemaking artist
Placemaking artist at work creating public art
Bendigo placemaking street art
Bendigo placemaking street art
heathcote streetartist
Pavement mural in Heathcote
pavement mutal
Laneway mural art
bendigo mural play
Placemkaing with Street Art in Bendigo Park

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100% focus is getting the job done right, call me on 0431 104 026 to start the conversation or select an option below to send a message.

Muralist / Street Artist Digital Art / Illustration

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