CALL: 0431 104 026

Graffiti Artist


From: Murals & Illustrations / Specific to:

Graffiti Artist & Street Art

HAPPY DECAY is a vibrant and colourful street artist, sometimes referred to as a graffiti artist. He doesn’t call himself a graffiti artist but focuses more on as a multidisciplinary street artist.

graffiti paint artist
Graffiti influenced street art

Generally, I can work under any naming convention and can work as a “graffiti artist” or spray paint artist though my art is more focused on character than on letters. In general, you may also find people who do graffiti may not even like the term “graffiti artists” and will focus on the art of writing/letters.

I do love aspects of graffiti art and culture in particular some of the styles and techniques that have influenced the art you will find in the form of murals and street art today. My introduction to graffiti was mainly through the skate/punk and DIY party scenes.

gold coast street art
Mural created from a combination of skate graffiti and illustration
mural art graffiti
Street art graffiti
school murals
Using street art to change the school urban environment
happy monster mural
Happy monster graffiti loving beast
Graffiti wall in Canberra
spray paint ping pong table
Bold spray paint ping pong table
bird mural
Using traditional art skills for a street art mural
glass graffiti
Spray paint artist creating glass graffiti styling
laneway graffiti
Fun graffiti vibe art in a laneway
graffit styled bird
Mixing traditional art with graffiti style bird spray paint
graffiti artist newcastle
Graffiti and street art in Newcastle for a festival
cronulla street artists
Playful graffiti street art in Cronulla Sydney using some spray paints
graffiti artist mural design
Graffiti style Illustration for a mural as part of a street art project
office magpie mural
Street art used in an office space in Sydney

It is interesting how the graffiti community has brought art to the public without the need for a gallery, even though this may not be intended.

While at art school I did study typography (concrete poetry) and letterpress so I do find the letterforms of graffiti artists interesting.

Street Artist & Mural Art

Most of my mural work is an extension of the drawings & illustrations that I do. You can see below some of my street art that originated from my drawings.

Some of my art has a play on the funnier influences from the punk/skate graffiti scene.

Graffiti Artist influenced
street art
A hybrid of graffiti and street art in Canberra
mural with colours
large mural using typography in the artwork
Street art brings colour to this corridor

Spray Paint Artist

Sometimes a spray paint artist is what I also get referred to, I don’t mind this and really at the end of the day, it’s just a name. I do love art in general across the board range of mediums and art genres.

Here are some of the murals and illustrations I have created with some graffiti influence.

grafitti art
Using some flavours of graffiti in this street art at a skatepark
street artist gold coast
Combining graffiti street art vibes in The Gold Coast

If you like you can view all the murals I have painted in the street art section of my showcase page. You can also find my other artwork there too including my illustration work.

cat view
Street art cat mural

If you are looking for information on Graffiti Artist Hire, then use this link.

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Project Highlights

Let's Get a Project Going!

100% focus is getting the job done right, call me on 0431 104 026 to start the conversation or select an option below to send a message.

Muralist / Street Artist Digital Art / Illustration

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